Recently, I got to escape to play and create with #1 Grandson! DD had torn out a page from a magazine on a 'hang in the door' puppet theater, so that was our project. Here we are having a great time sewing it...which he LOVED being artsy-craftsy as he is. The machine is one I gave my daughter at the end of my shop days - a Brother - which is a GREAT machine. I got it 'out of the closet' and gave it a good run - since it never sees the light of day otherwise...
Maybe SOME day!
Anyway..... he had a great time deciding on the ribbons to create 'stripes' on the theatre. And he was just pretty durned right one when it came to 'if that color matchded the other ones' or not! That's my Boy!!!! He actually wanted to paint on the stripes - but I convinced him that then it would have to dry and we wouldn't be able to finish.
The heavy denim was a great background. On the magazine version, the curtain was gathered along the top - ughhhh - it would have to stay tied back for the 'show'. So I engineered this so the curtains could easily be opened and closed...
It is heavy piping cord knotted and stitched onto the outside stage 'frame', and then plastic cafe rings stitched to the top of the curtain. For that I used that 'button-sewing-on' stitch that is on so many machines. You can also see here how it is hung 'taut' inside the laundry room to the family room/kitchen area so that he has a ready 'audience' . Ahhh - and see those kitchen cabinets in the background...I claim transforming those from mediterranean dark wood to current light colors. After that painting/antiquing, I decided NOT to do my own cabinets! They do look good though...
Sew.... here's the end result. Lamb Chops there on the right - a gift to daughter from my very creative and clever Sister-in-Law retired Kindergarten teacher who does great things with puppets and plays...and on the left - a puppet 'creature' that Grandson created from the goodies his great Aunt had provided - starting with a green sock.
Back to hopefully the last day on re-working and adding to my own book on Creative Sweatshirt Jackets, as current inventory is about depleted. Tuesday next finds me on a plane to Puyallup, WA for the Sewing & Stitchery Expo... and the beginning of a VERY busy month of travels around the country.
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