Gleaning Ideas Galore from Customers' one of the best parts of doing these shows. This potholder purse grabbed my eye
It's creator shared that it was from potholders her kids wove as children - which she resurrected and turned into a purse by looping together leftover COTTON loops (hard to find!) and then knitting - on large needles - the gusset and long handle. It was just TOO CUTE! Especially attracted my eye as making potholders was my very first business when I was in - about the 4th or 5th grade. I made them like crazy and then went door to door selling them 1 for 25 cents or 2 for $35 cents. Guess kids can't go door-to-door any longer (but back then we did the same with GirlScout cookies for $.50 per box too!), but there's always the internet..........
Here's yet another idea - just an extra T-shirt cut into leaf shapes, and stitched onto an existing shirt with straight stitch down the center... I'd seen this earlier on a ready-to-wear top myself and made notes - but a picture is worth a thousand words. This idea WILL turn up on a Creative Sweatshirt Jacket - and people will ask how I can come up with these ideas - well: from RTW to a large degree! Ideas are plenty for the taking...
This smart gal had taken the color que from her great shoes - and you'd never believe how this shirt complimented her shoes!
This smart gal had taken the color que from her great shoes - and you'd never believe how this shirt complimented her shoes!
The little things of life can serve to excite us these days .....